
We recognize that differing learning styles, training goals, participant locations, and budgets demand a combination of learning solutions, offered through a variety of delivery options.

Each of our courses is designed to meet a specific need and is written with a specific client in mind. In order to ensure exactly the right learning solution, we offer the following services.


From the onset, a training consultant works 1-on-1 with the client to:

  • become familiar with the client’s business processes and organizational working methods
  • determine the current skills level of the participants
  • discuss the client’s goals and potential training topics
  • establish a training timeline

Instructional Design

After completing the discovery phase, the training consultant communicates their findings to an instructional designer who will then develop a comprehensive targeted solution around the key learning points which have been agreed upon.

Courseware Development

The best courseware supports classroom instruction, but also serves as an effective reference guide after class. That’s why our courseware developers assemble custom manuals or handouts for each client based on their targeted learning solution.

Training Delivery

Our dynamic instructors bring years of teaching, application, and business experience to the classroom and strive to build a highly interactive, participant-centered learning environment in each class they lead.

Phone Support

After the course is over, and the inevitable ‘forgetting curve’ sets in, we offer follow-up phone support. Participants may schedule a support call with their trainer to review topics covered in class. Typically lasting ~5-10 minutes, these calls are a great way to reinforce classroom learning.